What Is Your Excuse?

By Orji Victor CP,  The Writer 

 Nick Vujicic was born without hands and legs except one tiny leg..

He is not more than 3ft tall

Born a disabled person.

But his Head was complete with the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and brain functioning very well.

> He had reasons not to make it in life.

> He had reasons to go into blame games, blaming everything and everybody blameable like parents, family, poverty, sickness, enemies, ancestors, government, satan and demons.

> He had reasons to be a beggar.

> He chose not to look at the physical disability and focus on the Spiritual, mental, intellectual and internal capacity he has.

> He refused to be pitied or sympathized.

> He refused to be a liability.

> He refused to allow his background to put his back on the ground.

> He refused to blame his parents, family, poverty, government, doctors or Satan.

> He refused to look on his have not, but focused on his have all.

> He took his destiny into his hands and determined to move on to make good history.

With his mouth and that tiny leg of his, he began school, learnt how to read, write and do other things a normal human being does for himself. Wow.

> He decided and determined not to depend on people so much, but did his best to do so many things himself.

This Man writes, cooks, baths, dresses himself, makes his bed, swims, drives, runs, do sports, and do the other one in the other room too 😃.

Today He is wealthy, married to a very beautiful woman, have Children (as you can see in one of the pictures) and travels world over to motivate others.

> He focused on his abilities, instead on his inabilities and soon the inabilities turned into abilities and a source of Joy, Wealth, Recognition, Fame, Friendship, Breakthrough and Money.

My dear Friend,

What is your excuse?

Who are you blaming, like your parents, family, background, government, friends, enemies, satan and demons.

I don't care who told you that someone or something is the reason you have not succeeded in that your life endeavors.

Hear me Now:- 

> If you can stop this your blame games and take the bull by the horn.

> If you can stop focusing on your stories, pains, have nots, challenges, bad backgrounds and focus on the abilities and glory ahead of you.

> If you can just stop now, I mean now all those your enemies did this and enemies did that and look inward to see your abilities and capabilities

> If you can just start now to work and continue working on your abilities.

> If you can just believe in God and in yourself and stop believing all those negative dreams, teachings, prophecies and histories.

> If you can just detoxify your mind and brain of all those toxic ideas and beliefs.

> If you can just do them now, then your success story will start soon, if not just immediate.

If Nick Vujicic could make it considering all that surrounded him, then you too can, if you believe you can and do the needfuls.

God is not partial, if He did it for one, He will do it for two.

Only don't be your own stumbling block again.

Rise Up

Dust up

Pick up

Move up

Go Up

And reach up.

God is with you and you are WELL


God bless you greatly.

...Orji Victor CP




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