SELF DESTRUCTION Written By Isaiah Ilo SELF DESTRUCTION. There lies a shadow, moving at every side: the left, the right. It wishes for us all to crumble, its darkness overshadows our dwelling, and it bears the nature of evil in us. Friends, and everyone out there, ``sin", is that shadow that has cast an evil eye on us. But our ignorance works hand in hand with that enemy. We want the possession of the earth, but no one seeks the heavens possessions. The ladies are busy posting pictures on the media glorifying their bodies to the mass. Their faces ignite a smile caused by the number of likes. Why do you cherish your body so much, exalting it to the gaze of men. Your shadow has led men to darkness. Your figure has formed the pattern of accessing immorality. For the men, I realize your hormone is the president of your souls . We are said to possess the mantle of leadership, but our senses are led, can`t compete with the sta...