PASSION, PURPOSE, PROFIT. Written By Michael C. Samuel. An inspirational writer From the onset, there must be something you are craving for. You might know of it or not but within you, there must be something you have been daring or better still desiring either to have or become. The triple P's is what formed life. Are you shocked at that utterance, in case you are, I will give you in detail how it is the truth? Passion: we grew up and started hearing of passion, we knew it as what we have an interest in. During our school days, I could remember vividly that we had attended something called career day. We were asked to select what we will become when will grow up... Funnily enough, most of what we selected then wasn't want we become of today. What am I saying? This is to tell you that passion is innate and can't be seen. It isn't what someone will enforce you to ride on. It comes out of the willingness of heart. That is why when you see a person daring it hard to ac...