Y.A.H.O.O Written By Ify Omeni - The Tale Weaver. The school administrator looked with disdain at the people that were ushered into his office. “Mr Kalu, what’s the meaning of this? I asked you to bring a computer engineer to replace Mr Lekan who is ill and you bring me this,…” He pointed at the five people who stood near the computer teacher. “Do you think we are playing chess here.?” “Sir, these ladies came in highly recommended,” Mr Kalu explained. “Ladies? These little girls…” “Sir, please give us a chance,” one of the ladies spoke. “Please sir, we are in the middle of a crisis,” Mr Kalu pleaded. The administrator reluctantly led the way to the school computer room. He watched with disdain as the girls set to work. They mumbled a lot of coded language that he could not understand, while they fiddled with the computer systems. His disdain turned to amazement when the computer systems that had tripped off and paralysed operations at the school sprung to life. “There you are, sir...