How Do I Shine Good?

BE A PATTERN OF GOOD WORKS: SHINE THROUGH YOUR DOINGS: Article Written By Mrs Grace Obialor , Works at Radio House ( FRCN ) 😇🤠🤡 Remember we are saved unto good works, not just to go to heaven,big it were, Jesus would not have come. Our Salvation empower us for good works. How do you live your Life ? Around and within your neighbourhood, school,work place, market place, what do they know you for. Can someone speak positive about you? In Conduct: 1st Thessalonians 5:22-- Avoid every appearances of evil, not some, but every appearances of evil. You are not to be seen in anywhere evil is mentioned. Let hardship not be an excuse for you to be part of evil. Ephesians 4:29 - - Let no evil thought come out of your mouth. Tame your mouth not to be known for evil words. Proverbs 4:20 - - How faithful are u in times of troubles and adversities? That things are not working well is not enough reason for you to misbehave. You must have been hurt, lied agai...