THE MINISTERS WIVES Written By Orji Victor CP I went for a programme somewhere and I saw 2 Children running around inside the Church during service. I asked one of the associate Pastors seating beside me why they can't control the Children, the young Man said "SIR, IT'S A NO GO AREA, NO ONE CAN TRY TO CORRECT, CAUTION OR CONTROL THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SENIOR PASTOR'S CHILDREN" I felt bad and when I was introduced, I decided not to talk about it or react to it since it is their way of living there, I came to build and not to cause trouble, so I ignored them, but to be sincere to you, I was seriously distracted that day. When the service was over and I was being taken to where I was lodged by the senior pastor, I used the opportunity to ask him about the kids and why they were not been controlled or cautioned? He said everybody in the Church is afraid of his wife's reaction if they do correct any of his Children, because of that everyone decided to stay cl...