
Showing posts from April 8, 2021


 IT ENDS HERE Written By Unknown Person From dust we came To dust we shall return No more time for fame No more desire to burn The killer hips The soft smooth skin The pink lips And the glowing melanin It all ends here In that ugly casket Right here In this dark confinement Your personality Your popularity Your identity Your ingenuity All that won't be important When you're in here All that won't be relevant When you're right here The flashy cars Won't accompany you here The celebrities and superstars Won't escort you here Your academic qualification Your endorsement deals Your five star mansion And your clean dollar bills All that won't matter


  TROUBLES OF SINGLEHOOD Written By Unknown Sometimes I wonder where I stand; have I really taken the correct path. Can I even embark on this journey?  I fear my dreams ain't worth a chance in this world. I fear I would become insignificant if I don't try. What am I really? Do I bring peace or chaos? Do I have a purpose or am I a slave to others? When and how would I believe in myself? Does my existence even matter? Who should I trust? Who will guide me to fruition? should I loose my way, will I realize it sooner?  Am I a drop or a fountain? Am I the sun or its shadow?... I ought to be unique and whole. I must accept my truth and change. I must not worry coz I will ask for help from the Lord. I must be resilient and consistent. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I must overcome. I'm the world's hope and God's own best. So yeah! I will win!

Christmas And Easter Which Is More Important?

  Christmas And Easter Which Is More Important? Written By Daniel Okafor I've read and listened to many debate as touching the validity of Christmas to Easter and vice versa. Let's look at this; (Read till the end) Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. The premise of our faith and salvation is not hinged on the Virgin birth of Jesus but on his death, resurrection and ascension. If Jesus had simply lived, performed miracles, healed the sick, taught and preached without dying and RESURRECTING, there would have been nothing as faith in the finished works of Christ. Our redemption: salvation, victory, glorification, forgiveness of sins, righteousness.... are  all hinged on the resurrection of Jesus. He died as us, we died in him (End of the old creation) He resurrected as us, we resurrected with him (Beginning of the new creation) But Without his birth there would have been no death, resurrection and ascension (1 corinth 15:19) His vi...


  THE CHARACTER OF GOD.  Written By Merry Paul Please allow me guide your theology tonight: Jesus is the perfect explanation of God. God does not have a dual character. He is good and his mercies endure for ever. Jesus is God,  explaining God to Man. Invariably,  what you can't find in Jesus, you can't find in God. Jesus reveals  the solidity of God's Character, when we see Jesus,  we know that we've seen God.  For instance Jesus was never found inflicting sickness and disease on sinners. Rather he sought opportunities to convert them.  The prophesy that went ahead of Jesus' birth says He shall  save his people from their sins and not destroy them because of it.  Jesus was even called the friend of sinners. He ate in Zaccheous' house, enrolled mattew in His discipleship school,  allowed the prostitute with the alabaster box to kiss, wash and perfume his feet, he discharged the woman caught in adultery, converted Saul the persecutor ...

A Politian Visited A Village And Asked What Their Needs

 Written By Unknown Person A Politian Visited A Village And Asked What Their Needs were. ”We have 2 basic needs sir,” replied the villager. “Firstly, we have a hospital, but there’s no doctor.” On hearing this, politician whipped out his cellphone, and after speaking for a while he reassured the village leader that the doctor would be there the next day. He then asked about the second problem. “Secondly sir, there is no cellphone coverage anywhere in this village.”