Timing is most asset Worth having

by Chibuzor Michael Onah look lucid, timing is number one paramount to success in life, your life is your time and your time is your life. If you fail to achieve your dreams in your 20s, 25, 30s and 35, it could be difficult to you again achieving success. The reason here is, you have strength, you have might to nature while you're much younger, because at this time you had supposed to be enjoying the fruit of your labor not working stressful again. Success is achievable then up words thirty- five according to professor Wale Soyinka quotes he said:'no man is rich enough to buy yesterday but if you hustle fast tomorrow could be yours'. But strive for your 20s, 25, 30, and 35 because any time spent can never be regain back again, timing is vital Mark Zuckergurg.