I Have Found The Solution To That Predicament

In Just 2Days,10Copies Down. I Have Found The Solution To That Predicament Written By Michael C. Samuel I Have Found The Solution To That Predicament. When I'm about to launch this book #youarelimitless, the only thing that got me scared is the selling part of it. Hear this, a lot of people have amazing books in them but when they remember the selling aspect of it, they will withdraw back to their comfort zone. I have found the solution to that predicament. This phobia has no limit, remember I have written three awesome books before this one but the phobia is still there, this is to tell you that, it doesn't matter how many books you have written so far as SELLING IT is involved, you will get a bit scared. This phobia of selling my book made me reached out to some afflicted marketers who know their game in the system, of course, I was willing to pay a good price but guess what happened, they turned me down. They only accepted to teach me the game, but at this time, a lot of th...