YOU'VE GOT NO EXCUSE Written By Russells Apuam Enogha If you don't succeed, nobody; nothing is responsible. You are responsible. You've got no excuses. Your social, economic, political and family background, no doubt, have a great effect on your life, but they do not determine the outcome of your life. You life from childhood to a point has been determined by forces beyond your control. But when you get to the ripe age of decision making, your life was handed over to you. What happens from then is in your hands. You now have the power to decide the course of your life. ☑️ You did not receive the best of education. Yes! It is true. But what do you do? ☑️ You family is poor. Yes! It is true. But what do you do? ☑️ You grew up in the village. Yes! It is true. But what do you do? ☑️ You did not have the same opportunities others had. Yes! It is true. But what do you do? ☑️ Your have no sponsors. Yes! It is true. But what do you do? What will become of you is h...