If You Know You're Going To Have A Busy Day, Do This

If You Know You're Going To Have A Busy Day, Do This. How To Stop Waisting Time On Your Phone Written By Leon Ho Do you know how many times an average person checks on their phone every day Chibuzor? 58 times. And the numbers are on the rise. It doesn't matter if you're in a meeting with a client. If you're spending some quality time with your family. Even if you're on a date with your significant other. As soon as a new notification pops up, you quit on whatever it is they're doing and you check your phone. Like if checking out the latest picture someone posted on Instagram was a life or death scenario. Don't believe me? Just try to remember the last time you decided to purposefully be without it. You know what the worst part is? That in-between reading the news, checking emails, and browsing on social media... We are wasting our precious time away. Just think about it. The average person spends 3 hours on their phone every day. That's 24 hours per we...