Archbishop Benson Idahosa Raised The Dead

Archbishop Benson Idahosa Raised The Dead Compiled By Olakunle Olukoya Joshua Talena On Archbishop Benson Idahosa: His Mother Death While On Crusade ------ Archbishop Benson Idahosa raised the dead like drinking coke.. He was in America when they send a message that his mother is dead. He said; my mother can't die because God did not tell me. The last time I check in my spirit, my mother was well. If God must take her, He has to tell me. Put her on my bed, when I return, I will wake her. They asked him; When are you coming back? He said; 10days time. They told him, she will smell. He insisted they should put her on his bed. If she smell, it's my room. PUT HER THERE! The first miracle for 10days, the body did not smell. The colour of the mother changed from black to ash, totally dead for 10days.. Archbishop Benson Idahosa said; He's not coming back until he finishes his crusade. When he finished his crusade, he landed in Benin airport, and he said; take me home. They took...