UNDERSTANDING DISCIPLINE. Written By Precious Chukwu Prior to this write up, I have written to vehemently establish that abuse is different from discipline by defining both words and itemizing their types. In this piece, discipline is succinctly and copiously discussed and one of its types( PREVENTIVE DISCIPLINE) is lucidly explicated. I hope you find this educating. Recall that by definition, DISCIPLINE is any measure put in place to forge the right attitude and way of life in children. In other words, discipline is a set of training given to children in view of correcting their wrongs or encouraging their rights. Hence, discipline incorporates reward and punishment. However, the punishment in discipline is not grievous but gracious. Among the three types of discipline highlighted in the previous writing, PREVENTIVE DISCIPLINE is worth considering first. This is because it is key for raising a cultured child. And its rightful application prepares a child for life rat...