What are foundational issues of life?

ANCHOR SCRIPTURE(S): JOHN 8:31-32 MESSAGE TOPIC: FREE INDEED (1)- FREEDOM FROM FOUNDATIONAL AND ANCESTRAL FORCES By: Dr. Paul Enenche SERVICE OBJECTIVES: 1. Understanding foundational issues to be free from 2- Understanding the way of freedom from foundational forces There are many people on earth today who are pure victims of foundational and ancestral issues (Jer. 31:29) WHAT ARE FOUNDATIONAL ISSUES? 1. Foundational issues are issues that follow people from the foundation or beginning of their lives 2. Foundational issues are issues that come through either the personalities or the activities of one’s progenitors SCRIPTURAL EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE WHO WERE VICTIMS OF FOUNDATIONAL ISSUES: 1. Abraham (Gen. 12:1) 2. Jacob (Gen. 32:24-28) 3. Jabez (1Chron. 4:9-10) 4. The man at the beautiful gate (Acts 3:2) FEATURES OF FOUNDATIONAL ISSUES: 1. Living without relevance 2. Dying before time 3. Starting without finishing 4. Success through struggles Hard work is go...