MARK SUCH PEOPLE AND AVOID THEM ================================ Writer From Chinwendu Nneamaka, A Member For Phronesis Readers Club By now you're wondering what I want to talk about, if you must know, then keep reading. . . Mike had always asked to talk with me but I had been busy with different things. Again, he called me for the same reason but this time, I couldn't give any excuse because his voice emitted worries. . . I invited him over to the house. Usually, he would take so much time to show up, but that day was different. He staggered through the door and whiffed of alcohol. He appeared worn-out, like he'd spent the entire day molding blocks. Unlike some guys I know, he barely resorts to alcohol in his most trying times, so his present state was unusual. . . I offered a sit to him and a glass of water to cool off as I struggled to conceal my disappointment. . . "Why are you like this," I asked, piercing my face on his. The look on his face made me ...