Are You Taking The Right Direction?

Are You Taking The Right Direction? Writer By Leon Ho At some point, we've all felt like we had no direction in our lives. Like you didn't have a clear purpose in life. Maybe you've accomplished a lot by now. Still, every day feels the same. You have a vague idea of where you want to get in life, but it's not clear at all. You lost your passion for doing anything. It's like you were just wandering through life with no clear direction of where you want to go... Maybe you believe you should know what you want from life by now. But you don't, and that makes you feel bad. Confused. Lost. You talk with your friends, and they truly know what they want to achieve in life. What their ultimate goal is. But you haven't. If this is you, don't worry. After all, all successful people have been through a period where they felt they had no clear direction. I also have some good news for you. There's a very simple exercise that will help you define your direction ...