Relationships And Marriages Were Never Meant To Fail!

Written By Ocholi Okutepa 1. Relationships And Marriages Were Never Meant To Fail! 2. Love is the only force that won't die with time if the right principles are practiced. 3. The relationship must increasingly become easier to run. The harder a relationship gets, the clearer it is that wisdom is lacking in it. 4. Most people who do badly in marriage are those who feel they know what they actually don't know; so they approach marriage with that kind of arrogance that expels the humility of learning. 5. A foolish man expects his wife to find submission easy when he himself has refused to find it easy to submit to God and when his leadership is poor. 6. A foolish woman sees the God ordained concept of submission as oppression and focuses more on competing with her man than complementing him. 7. You want to compete with your partner? Too bad, you don't even know the spelling of 'union' 8. You should complement and balance each other. 9. None of you has it all and can...