HOW TO HANDLE DISAPPOINTMENT IN RELATIONSHIP From Unknown Writer ...First point... "The first thing you need to do when you are kicked out is to know that nobody throws away what he values" If you are kicked out, you were never valued. Don't plan to win yourself back into such a place. Sometimes, what seems to be our biggest pain shows us more of our miracles. God's intervention can hurt. Lot left Soddom with nothing. Does it look like a miracle? When you are dropped, don't fight back into the ring. Forcing yourself on someone who doesn't value you is like when you have agreed to buy a rag. You will never wear it nor use it for a good purpose. The same happens to you when you struggle too hard for someone to create a space for you in his or her life after he or she has rejected you. Nobody creates the gut to throw away something he values. If someone has thrown you away, God is announcing to you that you have been at the wrong place. Rise up and move on. W...