POISON THAT KILLS MEN Article By Janet Abenga A beautiful girl got tired of her marriage life and wanted to murder her spouse. One morning she ran to her mother and say to her " mother, I am tired of my husband I can no longer support his nonsense. I want to kill him but I am afraid Law of the land will hold me responsible, can you please help me mother?" The mother answered: - Yes my daughter I can help you, but, there is a little task attached. The daughter asked "what task? I am willing and ready to assume any task attached in order to get him out" OK, said the mother, 1..You will have to make peace with him, so that no one will suspect you when he is dead. 2.. You will have to beautify yourself in order to look young and attractive to him 3.. You have to take good care of him and be very nice and appreciative to him 4.. You have to be patient, loving and less jealous, have more listening ears, be more respectful and obedient 5. Spend your money on him and don...