Hi Friend, How To Make This Your Year Turning Point For Change

Hi Friend, How To Make This Your Year Turning Point For Change 🚭☣🛐⏭⚛ I'm curious to know if you've noticed any changes to your eating habits this year.. I know, I know, it might sound like a strange question to ask.. but with the waves of lockdown happening throughout the year, it's caused inconvenience for many. Grocery stores have been wiped out, or people have not been able to make it out. Restaurants are either shut or operating timings have been reduced. Many have ended up cooking at home, or having to make do with basic ingredients and whatever's available at the supermarket. Others have turned to meal plans or food delivery. For some, the upside is that it's been a chance to use the kitchen again. For others, it's become a downhill of take aways and snacking or binge eating due to being home all the time. Now you see where I'm going with this? Our eating habits during lockdown has changed.. a...