Written By Alexander Wisdom SMALL THINGS AFFECT PEOPLE OF SMALL MINDS! A man was standing in the queue, waiting his turn to withdraw some money from the Automated Teller Machine (ATM). After it got to his turn to withdraw, suddenly, the machine brought out a notification that reads: 'temporarily unable to dispense cash' Gbam!!! this man angrily slammed some of the operating buttons of the machine. Everybody was shocked at his lack of self-control. Some fellow started rebuking him for his inattitude, but he never showed any sign of remorse. Interestingly, one of the security personnel walked up to the ATM area to observe the extent of the damage. After thorough examination of the machine it was observed that some key buttons had been rendered inoperative. At long last, we were all advised to leave and use other banks. Funnily enough, it was only this bank that was stationed in that busy commercial area. Sadly, after spending about 3 hours queuing, we were all brought into th...