You're Losing Potential Clients If You Don't Know This As A Content Writer.

Written By Olamide Akinde YOU'RE LOSING POTENTIAL CLIENTS IF YOU DON'T KNOW THIS AS A CONTENT WRITER. I value your time so I will try as much as possible to go straight to the point but before that, let me quickly remind you what a content is. Content can be defined as written ideas or information jotted down by a writer for the purpose of educating or entertaining specific people who are known as target audience. The word content and the definition given above might not be new to you but the key thing I want to call your attention to is "the target audience." As a content writer especially newbies, it is often advised that content marketing is essential for the purpose of increasing self-visibility in the global market. While having this in mind, you should not be ignorant of the fact that you need to thoroughly select your audience even before thinking of what type of content you want to write. The reason is that your audience varies so as their needs.Th...