You're Losing Potential Clients If You Don't Know This As A Content Writer.

Written By Olamide Akinde


I value your time so I will try as much as possible to go straight to the point but before that, let me quickly remind you what a content is.

 Content can be defined as written ideas or information jotted down by a writer for the purpose of educating or entertaining specific people who are known as target audience.

The word content and the definition given above might not be new to you but the key thing I want to call your attention to is "the target audience." 

As a content writer especially newbies, it is often advised that content marketing is essential  for  the purpose of increasing self-visibility in the global market. While having this in mind, you should not be ignorant of the fact that you need to thoroughly select your audience even before thinking of what type of content you want to write.

The reason is that your audience varies so as their needs.Therefore, in order to write relevant contents you need to know the type of audience you want to pass information to.

Now, here are 4 types of audience/prospects I believe your content ought to address.

1. Those that are not aware of their problems.

As a content writer who needs to buildup his/her customer base, you should reach out to prospects who are facing certain challenges you are sure you can provide solution to.

For example, you can write a content to educate website owners on the reasons why they have limited number of people who visit their websites. Ensure you state the practical solutions to those problems and appeal to their emotions by telling them how much they are losing.

The truth is, if you are able to convince them that they need to act right away, few or most of them are likely to contact you and ask how you can help them solve their problems.

That's how you make a deal and easily seal it.

You do your job and get paid.

2. Audience that are aware of their problems.

This kind of audience is easier to address. All you need to do is create an informative content about their problems, emphasize on what they tend to suffer/loss if they continue to hesitate. Ensure you provide practical solutions to their problems. 

You can decide to tell them how you can help them end their problems with certain strategies or leave them to come for you.

3. Those that are aware of their problems but don't know how to solve them.

Are you a copywriting coach and you know newbies who are finding it difficult to write compelling ad copies?

This is your chance to promote yourself and increase your visibility through your content.

What you need to do is to write informative contents that can help them (newbies) solve some of the challenges they are facing. 

After writing about 2 informative contents that you know must have really helped those who practicalised what you taught, you can let your 3rd content be in form of advert for your paid class.

You've helped them half way without demanding for a penny, it's now their turn to decide whether to grow higher or stay at the beginner level.

4. Audience that are aware of their problems and the solution but needs guidance. 

The people under this category are well knowledgeable. All they need is for you to tell to them the first step to take and how they can grow in whatever they are doing.

This kind of audience is easier to turn to a potential client because he/she knows the value of what you're giving out which means you wouldn't have to do a whole lot of work before you can convince such audience to work with you.

Get Your Content Set For The Right Audience.

I hope you got value.

Kind regards,

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