How To Over Come Self Defeating Thoughts

How To Over Come Self Defeating Thoughts Writer By Leon Ho Chibuzor, it doesn't matter what you do, they're always there. Trying to make you think negatively about yourself. Telling you that you won't achieve what you want in life. It doesn't matter what you do, those negative thoughts inside your head just don't go away. You struggle with them every day. As soon as you wake up, the inner battle starts. And it doesn't stop until you go to sleep. It doesn't matter what you're doing, they come saying things like... "Why did you leave your house dressed like that?" "That's a bad idea. Don't even bother saying it." "If you say what you think out loud, they'll laugh at you" They take your attention. They agitate your emotions. They keep you distracted, and stop you from giving your full potential. Maybe you've tried everything to eradicate them. And still, nothing. They just keep on bothering you, taking all your...