Some People Will Do This To You In Life

...Orji Victor CP 📞🎋🎐🎌🎏 YOU AND PEOPLE! As I am growing up in life, I have found out that, everyone I met, had played a vital role in my life and everyone I will still meet, will also play some roles in my life, either consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, Goodly or Badly, Positively or Negatively. Some will love you. Some will hate you. Some will teach you. Some will test you. Some will try you. Some will leave you. Some will use you. Some will support you. Some will gossip you. Some will block/hinder you. Some will connect you. Some will pray for or with you. Some will take from you. Some will give to you. Some will defend you. Some will try to pull you down. Some will mock you. Some will cover your weakness. Some will announce your weakness. Some will lift you up. Some will reject you. Some will announce you. Some will denounce you. Some will be happy with you. Some will be angry with you. Some will avoid you. Some will be proud...