
Showing posts from November 23, 2020

Do You Think This Country's Problem Was Caused By Our Leaders?

 NIGERIA: A CHANGE STARTS WITH EVERYONE. *Written* by * Michael Agwulonu*, Fellow Nigerian and a Student Politician .  Do You Think This Country's Problem  Was Caused By Our Leaders?  My answer is No. And that's why I am writing this for everyone to understand the need to change our Nigeria from the grassroot. Both the Leaders  and followers are part of the problem we are facing today. We are part of the problem of insecurity, the problem of corruption and bribery, the problem of the fall in the economy , the problem of bad governance, and so on. And if our country, Nigeria  needs to change, we need to realize that change starts with you and I. God  has given each and everyone of us the freedom to choose between right and bad. And each one of us knows the differences. But some chose to go for the bad one because of the worldly affairs and enjoyment. Some choose to swim into the dirty  pit either through their social connection, their personal sel...