What Good Has The Pandamic Brought Us ?

Hi Friends What Good Has The Pandamic Brought Us ? By Leon From Lifehack 🚂🚃🚄🚅🏊 I was speaking to my wife the other night about our upcoming wedding anniversary celebrations. We had originally planned to do a short getaway but with recent turn of events, we're not sure travelling somewhere would be the wisest move.. Since coronavirus slowed down the world, ambitions have been wound in, holidays curtailed and we are pitched into uncertainty. The past few months have meant that for many of you, without any clear line forward, have found yourselves in the far less trendy temporal dimension of the past. For some of you, during lockdown gave you the time to begin a process of clearing out your houses, disposing of all the things that had accumulated around you. Rather than planning ahead, there you are.. sorting your life backwards. But... it's not a bad thing at all! In normal times, it is easier to open a new sheet of the notebook and start looking ahead, writing lis...