Why Is The Newly Wedded Man Called GROOM And The Woman Called BRIDE?

WHY MEN ARE CALLED "GROOM”, AND THE WOMAN “THE BRIDE” ON WEDDING DAY? Content Unknown Person 🍌🍄🍋🍊🍘 Why Is The Newly Wedded Man Called GROOM And The Woman Called BRIDE? A friend of mine got tired of his WIFE just about six months after wedding. He complained bitterly to me about her and told me that he has concluded to break up with her; he went on to say that he was sure that he made a mistake. I did not respond immediately because I knew I must tell him the right thing, so I went home. And that is what birth this message. Many MEN have broken up with their WIVES because they end up not being the WIFE that they have dreamt of. But they have forgotten that on their wedding day was when the man was commissioned for the NEW TASK. Nobody calls the woman "a WIFE" on her wedding day but " a BRIDE", because it is the man that will GROOM his BRIDE to become the WIFE. That is why the man is called ‘BRIDEGROOM or GROOM’ , and ...