How To Boost Motivation Instantly

How To Boost Motivation Instantly Written By Leon Ho If you feel aimless in life right now, hear me out. Even though my life looks pretty good on the outside, I also feel aimless from time to time... Nobody is immune to that. And it doesn't mean you're a failure. We all get stuck in a daily routine repeating the same actions each day. So, at one point, we forget why we're even doing anything... And then suddenly, our whole life seems gloomy. Like we have no perspective. No goals. Nothing to strive for. And no control over our lives. But believe me, that's just a temporary feeling you can overcome. You can find your passion again. There's only one thing you should understand. And that's your drive. You have to first understand what you care about, what's important to you. You can't move ahead if you don't know why. Fortunately, there's a simple framework that will guide you to the bottom of your motivation. It's made of six questions. If you...