HAPPY OR SAD BIRTHDAY Written By Love Gracey Are sure, really sure it's a Happy not a Sad Birthday? Everyday we celebrate birthdays but what is actually happening to the new year we are all adding? For some of us, our past years are far more better and fruitful that our present years. And then even when we know our lives are not getting any better and we are becoming worst, we'll still happily sing HAPPY birthday songs and even post and say am a year older now, celebrate with me... oh common!!! celebrate useless and wasted years?? celebrate you getting older and nothing good is coming out of your life?? celebrating what??? sorry to say but it's actually a SAD Birthday. We sing and say how old are you now. We are not concerned about your age... our concern is the impact you are making out of your age. Ask yourself and the person's you are celebrating his or her birthday; How smart are you now, how strong are you now, how wise are you now, how industrious and useful a...