Your Greatest Enemy in life

SCRIPTURE: For if ye live after the flesh,"ye shall die": but if ye8 through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body,"ye shall live. Romans 8":13 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To be crucified in the flesh is to be positioned for eternity with God. The flesh can terminate life and destiny faster than any terminal disease. From our anchor Scripture above,"we can ascertain clearly that man’s greatest enemy is not the devil. Man’s greatest enemy is not a witch in the village, an occult uncle, native witch doctor, or a wicked step mother; man’s greatest enemy is not even cancer or other deadly diseases. Man’s greatest enemy in life is that old man called the FLESH. Your worst enemy is yourself, your flesh. The truth is, your flesh can do to you what the devil may not do to you. The destruction your flesh can bring upon you, an outright enemy may not do that to you. For instance, the children of Israel did to themselve...