Every Pace Setter Must Be Ready:-

Every Pace Setter Must Be Ready:- Written By Orji Victor CP 1. To be misunderstood bc none sees what you are seeing and where you are going. 2. To be left alone bc of the misunderstanding and none readiness to suffer with you. 3. To loose trusted companions bc most of them won't be proud to be around you at that begining. 4. To walk alone bc, it used to be alone before God brings the company of publishers. 5. To be attacked and fought against by opposing forces and enemies of what you want to achieve. 6. To be gossiped, slandered and blackmailed inorder to close your mouth, cripple your legs and stop your movement. 7. To be called many unprintable names like I too know etc. 8. To endure hunger, poverty and lonely life bc at the beginning support may not be there. 9. To break rocks, divide seas and fight beasts bc they are part of the things to see in the journey. 10. To be enjoy and be celebrated, but this only comes if you do not give up due to the early challenges. Pace s...