In My Twenties, What did I Use It for?

In My Twenties, What did I Use It for? Written By Leon Ho, Founder For Lifehack , Topic By Chibuzor Michael Onah "I've wasted my twenties!" If you're in your early 30s, you might feel this way... or know someone who feels this way. But don't worry. It's normal to look back at your twenties and only see wasted potential. Plus, the early thirties can be scary. You see, the brain development ends, on average, when you're 30. For most people, it means maturity. We see the world from a different perspective in our early 30s. We're able to spot our mistakes more easily... Especially in hindsight. And that's why we often look at our 20s with disappointment. We know we could've done better. We know we could've achieved more in all areas of life... if we've only had all this experience back then. But we haven't. There's no time machine we can use to change our actions. The other reason why many 30-year-olds feel desperate and regr...