You Think You Can Prank Me

Written By Michael C. Samuel, An inspirational writer. You Think You Can Prank Me Just before the closing hour of the day, a message dropped in my WhatsApp, I unfold it as it reads. Please, can I get 1k from you I need it for something so urgent, I will return it later. This message was accompanied by the account number. I copied the account number and did a transfer of 1k to her. I chatted with her to know if you have gotten the alert, she confirmed it and I was happy that I had solved her predicament. Some minutes after, a message dropped from her. I read and was so mad at how some people can over joke sometimes. In her words, she said, "Thanks a lot. I have received it although it was a prank, it's nice to know I have people that can come through for me". I smiled and asked when she will refund the 1k as she promised. She said no refund ooh. It didn't annoy me, after all, what is 1k? But something happened that pops this write-up. I tried to enlighten her in ca...