What Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back?

A New World Record By John Paul In the year 1954, something strange happened. And it changed the course of human history. Here’s what happened: Before 1954, no human being (on record) had ever run a distance of 1 mile in less than 4 minutes. Because nobody had ever done it, it was believed that the human body could not run that fast. But at a racetrack in Oxford on May 6, 1954, one man changed that belief overnight. His name was Roger Bannister. He became the first human (on record) to run a distance of one mile in less than 4 minutes. And since that day, thousands of people around the world have successfully beat this barrier. In fact, the second person to break the record did it just 46 days after Bannister. What changed? The 4-minute mile was never a physical barrier. It had nothing to do with the natural ability of the human body. The 4-minute mile was purely a psychological barrier. It was only a limiting belief in everybody’s mind. And the moment Bannister broke ...