The 411 Of Growth

THE 411 OF GROWTH Written By Kaine Chinedu Take a deep breath and think of the good old day's when you were young and in secondary school/university. Now how did you feel when the same class/course mates with whom you receive lectures under the same learning environment and condition had better grades than you ? If you're being honest with yourself ,you probably felt jealous ,right? ... Well I did too. But , do you know that what really matters is how you're able to turn that feeling of jealousy into one of curiosity ,so that you get better grades? See ehn... You see that feeling of jealousy , it's not you actually being jealous oh. Do you know what it is? It's simply your curious mind wanting to know how your course mates do what they do and how they do it. In essence, you just wanted to know their secrets. I'm sure you're probably saying to yourself ; " Chinedu where are you heading to with all this?" Just stick with me and you did find o...