CREATE YOUR OWN HEADLINE! Written By Wisdom Alexander Personal development coach. There are three classes of people in this world: 1. People who watch things happen. 2. People who wonder why things happen. 3. People who make things happen. Which class do you belong? Don't join the bandwagon of people who look for fault and cracks in what others are struggling to build. For some of them, they felt life has treated them unfairly, but that's not true! God created each one of us with a comparative advantage. We have what it takes to succeed as long as we're willing to stay focused and committed. Do away with every petty grievances you have against folks you felt are better of than you. Truth is, nobody owes you anything. You owe yourself everything as long as your quest for success is concerned. You can create your own headline, if you would work hard and remain passionate towards your dreams and goals! W.A Personal development coach.