Idiots, Tribesmen or Citizens !

*Let's all be citizens* Written By An Unknown Author ⛽💎 Idiots, Tribesmen or Citizens ! 🚦🚥🚀🚤 1. Unless you understand your role in society, you can never make any meaningful contribution. According to the Greeks there are three types of people on earth, the idiots, the tribesmen and the citizens. Studies show only 10% of Nigerians are citizens. The remaining 90% are either tribesmen or idiots. 2. When the Greeks used the word idiots, they did not use it as a curse word. Idiots are people who just don’t care. If they write exams they will cheat, if they are in government they will steal, an idiot does not care at all, if he eats banana he throws the peels anywhere instead of putting it in trash, according to the Greeks, some societies have more idiots than tribesmen and citizens. 3. The next set of people are tribesmen, these are people that look at everything from the point of view of the tribe. These are people that believe in you only if...