Three Significant Principles A Writer Must Know

THREE SIGNIFICANT PRINCIPLES A WRITER MUST KNOW Written By Geoffery G Ruga A political consultant. Writing as an act as well an art is a great adventure which gives the writer an amazing sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. Nevertheless, like any other art, writing demands criticality of thoughts, functionality of mind and a physiological hardwork. In this nugget, I wish to remind, as well highlight three significant principles a writer ought to maintain for meaningful write-up. 1. Coherency: This is the ability of one maintaining a balanced, pleasing, or suitable arrangement of all the parts of his paper. Coherency plays role in making people appreciate your write-up even if it has limited skills, creativity or significance. 2. Consistency: There are write-ups that reading them isn't stressful only, but burdensome. Why? Because they lack consistency in their flaw of thought or argument. Consistency might be considered synonymous with coherency which majo...