Three Significant Principles A Writer Must Know



Written By Geoffery G Ruga

A political consultant.

Writing as an act as well an art is a great adventure which gives the writer an amazing sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. Nevertheless, like any other art, writing demands criticality of thoughts, functionality of mind and a physiological hardwork. 

In this nugget, I wish to remind, as well highlight three significant principles a writer ought to maintain for meaningful write-up. 

1. Coherency: This is the ability of one maintaining a balanced, pleasing, or suitable arrangement of all the parts of his paper. Coherency plays role in making people appreciate your write-up even if it has limited skills, creativity or significance. 

2. Consistency: There are write-ups that reading them isn't stressful only, but burdensome. Why? Because they lack consistency in their flaw of thought or  argument. Consistency might be considered synonymous with coherency which majorly depends on context. Nevertheless, coherency deals with arrangement of your ideas, consistency on the other side, focuses on how a writer coordinate and present such ideas in a consistent manner. This consistency starts from the choice of one's topic, introduction or Preamble, body of the work through the conclusion of the write-up. The ability to maintain the initial idea of the write-up is seen as consistency. 

3. Clarity: Writing as an act, is a means of transferring information from the writer (who is the speaker in this sense) to the reader (who is the receiver). Thus, any message or communication that lacks clarity, stand a chance of being misunderstood and misinterpreted at same time. For you to come up with good and heart captivating write-up, you need to make clarity a priority. 

Clarity is the state of being clear or easily seen or communicating your message to the reader without struggle or extra effort. When clarity is highly observed in your writing, then you stand a chance of not only maintaining, but winning the hearts of more readers without begging for their attention. 

In all your writing adventure, never forget the power of these three basic principles; coherency, consistency and clarity. 

Hope someone will appreciate this, 

Geoffery G Ruga

A writer and,

A political consultant.


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