DON'T JUST SAY IT; BE COMMITTED TO IT! Written By Wisdom Alexander Have you ever asked someone a question regarding their performance level or productivity? If you haven't, I have! Recently I asked a young boy that question and you can guess the answer as much as I do. The boy replied by saying, 'Sir, I'm trying' Then I pressed on again to get the boy to be more realistic and committed with his response. Then he replied again, 'Sir, at least I'm not below average, I'm trying my best' The issue I have with this boy responses and that of many others is this: 1. Such response doesn't get you anywhere, because they're not backed up by a specific or realistic goal. 2. Such response also relieves your mind the ability to think creatively and get things done excellently. 3. It forces you to maintain the status quo. 4. It gives you the false idea, that afterall, there's nothing more to be done. 5. It limits your capacity to achieve more! Enough...