Become The Jesus Of Your Parent

Writer From Happy Innocent Become the Jesus of your parent, that no matter how poor they are, or their level of failure, your life and success will make it look like your parent's assignment on earth was just to give birth to you. As your success in life will attract people to pray and gift your parent for bringing you into this world. Please do things that make your parents proud, don't be a 'source of regret' child, live your life with the future and end in mind, you will not be forever young. Dont tell 'had I known stories later in life'. Give yourself brain, don't compare yourself or spend like others. Because we all are Entrepreneurs or you and someone works in the same company, does not mean you run the same economy. Some people's lifestyle is funded by family abroad, some by parents, rich boyfriend, multiple boyfriends, Plusplus and all. Stay in your lane, don't bite more than you can chew, face your hustle and get better daily. It's a...