Feeling Like You're Getting Nowhere

Feeling Like You're Getting Nowhere Writer By Leon Ho Do you sometimes feel you're not getting anywhere in life? You're working hard every day. You're giving your all. Still, you barely moved from where you started. You haven't achieved anything meaningful. That precious dream you have just looks so distant and unreachable. Like you were running a race that just seems to have no end. Like you were sleepwalking through life. So many people experience this every day... Students who graduate and don't know what to do with their lives. Employees who stay at the same job for 40 years and then wonder where their life went. Sadly, these people never make their dreams come true. They never get to where they want to be. They know they need to change, but don't know the steps to take next. So, they end up wasting their energy and effort on things that don't make a difference. Why? Because they have no clear purpose. Have you ever liked that? Like you had no d...