Where Could I Find These New Friends?


Where Could I Find These New Friends?

I didn't Get What I Was Looking For 

Writer From Leon Ho 

There's nothing worse than having negative people around you.

Think about it.

One day, you feel like you're just about to give up.

That you just can't keep moving forward.

So, you go to a friend waiting to get the strength to keep going.

What you find is different, however.

I know because that's exactly what happened to me.

I was going through a difficult situation in my life back then and almost didn't have any motivation left to keep going.

All I needed was someone to encourage me.

So, I went to a friend of mine looking for the motivation I needed.

Instead of encouragement, he made me feel even worse about my situation.

He told me to stop dreaming and do something else.

That I was setting the bar too high.

That it was a bad idea in the first place.

He reinforced all the negative thoughts that made me look for his help in the first place.

I came to him to get my energy levels back up...

Instead, he destroyed the little motivation I had left.

But that's not the worse part.

I started to believe what he said was true.

That I should stop dreaming so big and be realistic.

Last thing I knew, I was looking at the world with the same negativity and resentment.

I was becoming like him.

Without noticing it, my "friend" was dragging me down.

That's why I can tell you first hand...

It doesn't matter if you are the most optimistic person in the world.

After a while, people like that will drag you down.

So, what can you do?

Well, If you want to stop negative people from turning you into one of them...

You need to let go of them and surround yourself with positive people instead.

See, the people we hang out with shape our future.

They influence us in ways we cannot even realize.

People filled with positivity do not pull you away from your dreams.

Because they are moving forward and achieving their goals, they make you get closer to yours.

They motivate you to keep growing and become the best person you can be.

I knew I needed these people in my life.

And that as soon as I found them, things would change for the better.

However, I was soon about to run into another problem.

Where Could I Find These New Friends?

After all, I had only been able to attract negative people into my life so far.

Because of that, positive people didn't want to be anywhere near me.


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