Your Pen Is On A Mission

YOUR PEN IS ON A MISSION. Written By Dada Dorcas Some writers write for pleasure, some see writing as a hobby. Many others relieve pain, depression, spread hope etc with their writings. May I ask the purpose of your pen? When your pen has a purpose to fulfill, you won't be quick to drop it during hard times. You can spread love with your pen. Yes, you can make people believe in love again. You can also stop that next suicide with your pen. So, I ask: have you been using your pen? Don't forget that it is a powerful tool in your hands. People whose pen has a purpose don't give up on it. They write day and night, in sorrows or in happiness; in tears or in joy, because their pen is on a mission. They recognize their mission and don't give up on it. My pen is on a mission to convert 'aspiring' writers into Creative Thinkers; to help people choose their health by deciding to keep fit, and to share life-changing works in novels, poetry, and drama with the world. What...