CHOOSE WHO TO MARRY WISELY; Written By Mildred Okonkwo The first question to ask yourself when you want to get married is to observe the person very well and say, "do I want to reproduce after this kind?". The answer will give you clarity because if you plant mango tree, it will produce mango fruit. Same thing goes with banana, it will give you banana. It is only a human being that wants to plant unbeliever and bring out believer because they see themselves as magicians. There is a natural order of things. If you marry a drunkard, there is a high chance that your child can become a drunkard. If you marry a womaniser, same thing. That is why I tell men that they don't know what they are doing. With adultery or are sowing seeds and if you do not win the battle against it, your children can pick up where you left off. You are already creating problems for your children if you marry the wrong person. Do not be unequally yoked. Don't think about it at all...