Your Next Big Breakthrough💼💼

By Mark Manson Every week, I hit you with three interesting ideas about the human mind, life, the world, and burritos. This week, we’re covering 1) the concept of “breakthroughs” in self-help and why they’re not that helpful, 2) whether a “growth mindset” exists or not, and 3) the inherent pain of human advancement. OK, let’s get into it. 1. Your next big breakthrough is already here - If you watch a lot of movies, then you’re familiar with the trope where the main character screws up, screws up, screws up, then 90 minutes into the film is like, “OMG! I’m totally different now!” Famous blockbusters like Star Wars and The Matrix turn on these epiphanic endings. And pretty much every rom-com ever involves one or both people having the “I changed!” moment towards the end… you know, right before they live happily ever after. But, as you (hopefully) know, movies are not reality. Life doesn’t work this way. This desire for epi...