YOU DESERVE A GREAT FUTURE ========================== Written By Chinwendu Nneamaka A Content Writer "Has anyone ever confessed you're beautiful?" he asked, caressing my hair. His words were honey-coated, too sweet to resist. I chuckled like a toddler, craving those moments were endless. He asked for a date, promised to give the heavens and the earth, and had his way with me. Days turned week and weeks rolled to month, my womb bagged a fetus. . . I visited to share the news with him. Immediately he got the message, anger and hatred erupted on his face. "I'm not ready for this rubbish," he shrieked and endorsed an abortion. But I'm also not ready to spill a child's blood. Daniel had a reputation he didn't want to swap for anything. So, he denied the child. . . Well, I'd thought he loved me but apparently, it was infatuation and I was too gullible to notice. He'd traveled out and I'm left to nurture a child I didn't pray for. I wis...