Do You Feel Discouraged About Your Goals?

Do You Feel Discouraged About Your Goals? Written By Leon Ho, CEO And Founder For Lifehack Have you ever thought that you'll never reach your goals pal? You know deep inside you're destined to achieve great things, You have big aspirations in life. However, the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be is huge. Like your goal was so distant that just can't be achieved. So, you work hard every day. You spend hours and hours fighting for what you want. And still... You don't get any closer to getting where you want to be in life. Everything seems like an uphill battle, with no results. Like an insurmountable challenge that you cannot conquer. That's when depression and frustration start kicking in. You get discouraged. You stop believing in yourself. That passion for achieving your goal and making things happen starts fading away. You try to resist it, but the feeling is just too overwhelming. So you come to the conclusion that it is not worth i...