AFRICA NEEDS FUTURISTIC STORYTELLERS AND CONTENT CREATORS Written By Kenneth Nwakanma Long before the white man invented flying machines, several of their creative authors had written fictions about flying machines. Long before their engineers built spacecrafts and launched into space, the white creative writer had already written novels about space travels. Long before they invented intercontinental ships that can travel around the world, a white man called Jules Verne, in 1889 already written a novel called "Round the Word in Eighty Days" Long before Elon Musk thought of establishing habitations in other planets, I have read novels of interplanetary adventures written by inspired white novelists and storytellers. Check out Jonathan Swift of Gulliver's Travel, E.V. Odle, who wrote a novel about Cyborgs in 1923 or Arthur C. Clarke, 1968, who in his work Space Odyssey, wrote about Ipad, and many more. Long before America took over the world as the bastion of...